About Sharon Novak


Below are some of the reasons for you to vote for Sharon.

Deep Roots in Tehama County

Sharon Novak isn't just running for County Supervisor of District 5; she's striving to protect and enhance the community she's called home for over two decades. Her deep understanding of the local issues, from the declining water table to the need for sustainable development, stems from her long-standing residence in Tehama County. 

A Balanced Perspective for a Brighter Future

Sharon represents a unique blend of fiscal conservatism and social liberalism, a balance that reflects the diverse needs of our county. She is committed to ensuring efficient use of our resources while advocating for progressive social policies that benefit all residents. 

A Vision for Sustainability and Prosperity

One of Sharon's primary concerns is the environmental and economic sustainability of Tehama County. She recognizes the challenges we face, like dwindling water resources, and is dedicated to finding practical, long-term solutions. Her vision includes not only addressing current issues but also preparing for future challenges to ensure a thriving, resilient community. 

Inclusive Leadership for a Stronger Community

As a candidate, Sharon is driven by the belief that every voice matters. Her approach to leadership is inclusive and collaborative, ensuring that the diverse perspectives of our community are heard and valued. She's not just making decisions for the community but with the community. 

Vote for Integrity, Vote for Change

With Sharon Novak as your County Supervisor, expect transparent, honest, and effective leadership. She's not just a candidate; she's a neighbor, a friend, and most importantly, a committed advocate for the well-being of Tehama County. Vote for Sharon, a voice for us all. 

Projects Completed
Years of experience


Dear Neighbors,

As Sharon Mary Novak's husband, I've had the unique pleasure (and occasional challenge) of witnessing firsthand her extraordinary journey and dedication to our community. And yes, I'm about to brag about my wife, so buckle up!

First off, let's talk about her multifaceted life. Sharon is not just a wife and a Pilates enthusiast (our living room often doubles as a Pilates studio - I've learned to navigate around yoga mats and exercise balls with the skill of a ninja). She's also a voracious reader who devours online newspapers like they're going out of style. I often joke that if reading was an Olympic sport, Sharon would bring home the gold!

Her commitment to the community is nothing short of remarkable. From organizing cat spay-neuter clinics (our own cats are still a bit miffed about this) to providing sanctuary for disaster refugees, Sharon's heart is as big as Tehama County itself. I've seen her juggle multiple roles, from serving on non-profit boards to being a dog poop picker-upper at 2nd Chance Pet Rescue (yes, you read that right, and she does it with a smile).

As for her clean record – it's so spotless, I often tease her that she's the reason our local background checkers are bored. And her tech-savvy? Let's just say she can troubleshoot WiFi issues better than most teenagers, and yet she still appreciates a good old-fashioned paper map.

Sharon's ability to connect with people from all walks of life is one of her greatest strengths. Whether she's mediating conflicts, training dogs, or organizing community events, she does it all with an infectious enthusiasm that draws people in.

So, dear neighbors, as her husband, I have seen Sharon in action, both at home and in the community. Her dedication, compassion, and tireless work ethic are exactly what we need in the Board of Supervisors. Plus, if she can handle being married to me, she can handle anything!

Join me in supporting Sharon Mary Novak for the Board of Supervisors. She's not just my better half – she's the best choice for our community.

Michael Weiss Husband

I've known Sharon for over half a century. People either love her to death or find her annoying. But most would agree that she is a smart, reliable and hard worker who gets the job done and usually finds a way to have fun doing it.

Sarah C. Lee Friend

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Misha Cross Manager