
Local Politics, Activities & events 

Who Is Sharon:

Hi my name is Sharon Novak. I am a wife, Pilates Instructor student, Martial Artist, Food Enthusiast, Community Volunteer and Landowner and Animal Lover.  Contact me if you are interested in Pilates and/or Activism.  I am available for "pop up" classes as well as private lessons at my home SE of the Corning cemetery.   Please SUBSCRIBE so that we can keep in touch and get cool stuff accomplished together and on our own!!!   <3




If we don’t put the breaks on NOW, we will be leaving nothing for future generations. Pictured above Hwy 99 East District 5 remaining open space.

Poorly Planned Planning 21 March 24 Pot Meet
Poorly Planned Planning 21 March 24 Pot Meet

After multiple meeting cancelations, county Planning Commission FINALLY met for a general meeting that was advertised as a POT workshop but ended up being the same old same old linear meeting.  Except


Can’t keep up with the Jones 😉
Can’t keep up with the Jones 😉

 As we navigate the journey of public service, unforeseen circumstances sometimes lead us to make tough decisions. Today, I come before you to share a decision that has not been easy, but one that


January Sheriff’s Office visit
January Sheriff’s Office visit

Tehama County Sheriff’s Office (TCSO) covers over 3000 square miles and on patrol at any given time, are 2 Deputies and a Sargeant.  Patrol Deputies are generally on their own and rely on backup


On-Line Security
On-Line Security

Protecting Yourself from Cyber Fraud: Essential Tips and Strategies

Understanding and implementing effective strategies to protect oneself is more crucial than ever. According to Statistica, in 2022,


VFW Pancake Breakfast
VFW Pancake Breakfast

Saturday January 27, Corning VFW post 4218 held a pancake breakfast.   Thanks to the vet who took  the time to explain to the five year old with us about the poppy. The poppy flower, specifically


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4x6 Fun Permit

Funny Video



Dear Neighbors,

As Sharon Mary Novak's husband, I've had the unique pleasure (and occasional challenge) of witnessing firsthand her extraordinary journey and dedication to our community. And yes, I'm about to brag about my wife, so buckle up!

First off, let's talk about her multifaceted life. Sharon is not just a wife and a Pilates enthusiast (our living room often doubles as a Pilates studio - I've learned to navigate around yoga mats and exercise balls with the skill of a ninja). She's also a voracious reader who devours online newspapers like they're going out of style. I often joke that if reading was an Olympic sport, Sharon would bring home the gold!

Her commitment to the community is nothing short of remarkable. From organizing cat spay-neuter clinics (our own cats are still a bit miffed about this) to providing sanctuary for disaster refugees, Sharon's heart is as big as Tehama County itself. I've seen her juggle multiple roles, from serving on non-profit boards to being a dog poop picker-upper at 2nd Chance Pet Rescue (yes, you read that right, and she does it with a smile).

As for her clean record – it's so spotless, I often tease her that she's the reason our local background checkers are bored. And her tech-savvy? Let's just say she can troubleshoot WiFi issues better than most teenagers, and yet she still appreciates a good old-fashioned paper map.

Sharon's ability to connect with people from all walks of life is one of her greatest strengths. Whether she's mediating conflicts, training dogs, or organizing community events, she does it all with an infectious enthusiasm that draws people in.

So, dear neighbors, as her husband, I have seen Sharon in action, both at home and in the community. Her dedication, compassion, and tireless work ethic are exactly what we need in the Board of Supervisors. Plus, if she can handle being married to me, she can handle anything!

Join me in supporting Sharon Mary Novak for the Board of Supervisors. She's not just my better half – she's the best choice for our community.

Michael Weiss


I am writing this to describe a dear friend. Sharon Novak.
Sharon’s ability and capabilities of the position of district 5 Tehama county board of supervisors is exactly the right place for Sharon. I have known Sharon Novak for thirty six years now. I met her at a restaurant we both worked at in the eighties. Sharon’s personality is one of caring, concern, and action for the rights of human beings and animals. She will always be noticed in a crowd when fighting for these rights. She will be noticed in a crowd because she will take it to the next level! Sharon will fight any cause that she feels she can help in making changes that improve the situation. Sharon is about the people!
When you are thinking about a better community, think Sharon Novak.

Linda Barry


"You are the kind of leader I would appreciate if i lived there."

R. Smith, Washington State, California ex-pat since 2019


..I have known Sharon Novak for over 50 years. We grew up as Girl Scouts, senior scout assistants with junior Girls as well as Explorer Scouts as we grew older. She has always had a heart for taking care of our planet and a love of the outdoors. She has always been a loyal friend to me despite miles and years. I would love to see her elected to this office I know she would do a great job for the community.

Leslie Sullivan
Retired RN


I worked for Sharon as her personal assistant for over 3 years. She is dedicated to community, bringing people together and enriching their lives. She organized low cost spay/neuter clinics for cats, opened her home to displaced fire victims, held workshops and worked with children helping them learn to read. I learned a great deal from my time with Sharon, she has the true spirit of a community leader. She is dedicated, honest, compassionate, logical and has a great sense of humor. She is always looking for valuable ways to serve her community, have fun and make Tehama county a better place for everyone.

R. Bailey


I have known Sharon for over 20 years as both a client and a friend, and her dedication to animal welfare is unparalleled. Her work ranges from donating labor and dog training to Second Chance Rescue, conducting educational sessions at the Nike Missile Site Historic Park, to her remarkable initiative in organizing low-cost spay-neuter clinics for “Friends of Felines” with 2nd Chance Pet Rescue. Her commitment extends to wildlife conservation as well, notably through her work with the Barry Kirshner Wildlife Foundation. Sharon's passion, skill, and tireless efforts in animal welfare and community service are truly inspiring.

Dr. Serge Dana DVM


I am writing to highlight the outstanding qualities of dedication and integrity exemplified by Sharon Novak. Throughout my interactions with Sharon, her commitment to her work and unwavering ethical standards have consistently stood out.

Sharon approaches every task with a level of dedication that is truly commendable. Her tireless efforts and meticulous attention to detail reflect a passion for excellence. Whether faced with challenges or routine tasks, Sharon’s commitment to achieving the best results remains steadfast.

Moreover, Sharon’s integrity is a cornerstone of her character. She operates with transparency, honesty, and a strong sense of moral responsibility. Her actions consistently align with her principles, earning her the respect and trust of those around her.

In both professional and personal realms, Sharon Novak’s dedication and integrity serve as a testament to her character. It is individuals like her who contribute positively to their environments and set a high standard for others to follow.

Debi Weiss
Bonus Sister


Sharon is dedicated and hardworking. Over the last 40 years I've seen her get involved in countless volunteer projects, always striving to help people and to make this world a better place. She's smart, creative and focused. You couldn't find a more dedicated candidate for County Supervisor.

David Balsam,
The Print Shop Software Co- Creator



I have known Sharon Novak for over 30 years. She is one of the most honest people I know. Sharon has integrity, morals, and a tremendous amount of patience.

Reliability is her one of her best qualities- if she makes a promise she keeps it. Using intelligence and creativity, she always finds a way to accomplish her goals. Sharon will get the job done.

If you want someone that has your best interests at heart and will get the job done, vote for Sharon!

Debbie Well


For those that don't Sharon I would like to tell you a little about her. I met her in 2002 when I was running the Corning Animal Shelter under Second Chance Pet Rescue. She was new in town and because of her love for animals wanted to see the shelter. I gave her a tour of our meager little shelter. I had one dog separated from all the others, and when she asked why, I told her she had a skin condition and I didn't know if she was contagious. I told her the shelter didn't have the funds to take her to the vet. She came by later that day with an envelope and told me to take care of the dog. The check inside was enough to get the dog checked out for her condition, spayed, and vaccinated. Over the next 17 years, Sharon was a regular at the shelter, walking dogs, scooping poop, and helping out at events we had. She developed and ran a fully sustaining spay/neuter program for the cats in the area. Even after I retired and moved to Florida she kept the cat program going for another 5 years. Sharon knew that the shelter was my full time job even though I received no money from the city. She regularly cleaned out her fridge and brought a doggie care package to the shelter but the items were obviously for me. She never made me feel like a charity case, even though I was. Sharon is dedicated, honest, and compassionate. She has made Corning her home and wants nothing more than to see it thrive and grow.

Reliability is her one of her best qualities- if she makes a promise she keeps it. Using intelligence and creativity, she always finds a way to accomplish her goals. Sharon will get the job done.

If you want someone that has your best interests at heart and will get the job done, vote for Sharon!

Debbie Eaglebarger


I've known Sharon for over half a century. People either love her to death or find her annoying. But most would agree that she is a smart, reliable and hard worker who gets the job done and usually finds a way to have fun doing it.

Sarah C. Lee

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