How can we better serve our children so that they are safe, competent in the three R’s ,(reading writing and rithmetic) as well as able to successfully communicate and be happy, confident and resilient? All day long, we need this conversation! What can we do to support school staff to lighten their load and how can we be involved? What education alternatives can we create and support that don’t burden our kids with crippling student debt? Considering it’s only a matter of time until machines take over most jobs, we need to create and cultivate jobs and activities that bring meaning and humanity to peoples lives. UBI (Universal Base Income) is not a Science Fiction story, it is here in multiple other countries as well cities in the USA. In 2020, the Covid crisis empowered the “Spendaholics” to deploy TRILLIONS of dollars of payola to varied levels of government and to business and individuals. This debt will be carried by our children and future generations to come.
WHAT happened to the BILLIONS of $$$$ that the state has earned since the lottery started 1985? So much money and the schools are actually WORSE than back then. Tragic.
For almost 50 years, I have been literacy Tudor for adults as well as children. Assisting people to learn how to read so that they can learn, grow and travel to countless places in their minds with reading, is incredibly empowering and inspiring for the teacher as well as the student.
What can each and every one of us do for the future, to support our schools and their staff? And what can we do for the CHILDREN? At present time, we are NOT leaving the planet in better shape than we found it.